As a professional fisheries biologist for more than three decades and an avid trouter for five, I’m convinced that water temperature is the most important environmental factor controlling the behavior of our cold-blooded quarry, mountain trout. My hillbilly clan, the Rabunites ( thinks so, too. They developed their own, highly effective fishing thermometer. Let me decipher it for you!
1) Under 40 degrees and falling. Rabunite definition: “watch the icebergs.” Interpretation: 40 degrees is your first key
number. Below it and our cold-blooded
critters are frozen and getting even colder, so anglers should expect few strikes.
But the air is clean, streams are uncrowded, and you’re just happy to get out
of the house. Fish 11AM to 3PM.
<40, but rising: “bring hope.” Trout are acclimated to very cold water, but rising
water temperature feels like a warming trend and can key a bit of feeding
40-45: “bring
a net.” Trout begin to stir, and
they stir a bit more with each degree of warmth. It’s a good time to dredge the bottom of
deep, slow pools with egg, stonefly, and mayfly nymph patterns.
4) 45-50: “bring a net and a camera.” Action increases and really takes off when temperatures near the next key, the MAGICAL 50-degree mark! Most action is still subsurface, but it can be consistent, especially when there is a warm spell that increases water temps several degrees. Try drifted nymphs, but also give streamer-stripping a shot.
50-55: “bring
some dries, too.” Early spring bugs
start hatching and trout are all over the water column, wherever the groceries
are. They’re sipping nymphs in the drift
and looking out for midday hatches of gray caddis and Quill Gordon and Blue
Quill mayflies. It’s a good time to
consult online “hatch charts” to know which dry flies to carry.
55-62: “bring
a friend with a camera.” In angler
terms, It’s On!!! Trout are ravenous and chowing down in bug
buffet lines. Again, watch those hatch
charts and bring the right bugs. You
might catch a bunch, some big ones, or a bunch of big ones. Bring a witness with good photography skills
so you’ll both have lasting memories of your great trip!
62-68: “bring
supper and a flashlight.” Waters warm and clear as spring transitions to
summer. Daytime fishing is dead, but the
last hour of daylight can be great. We
call it Dark30 and we won’t miss it, as both bugs and trout come up to play
right before slap-dark!
8) >68: “bring breakfast and an iceberg.” Trout fishing is really over for the season. Temps over 70 are often lethal to trout, especially if angling stress is added. Streams are coldest in early mornings and you might have a brief shot at dawn, before the hot sun rises.
Put a $15 stream thermometer in your vest and save a copy of
this article to your Iphone notes page.
Let the Rabunite thermometer guide you to trouting success in the new
year. Good luck!
Story credit: Coastal Angler Magazine- Atlanta edition
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