by Landon Williams (the guy who gets to fish more than the law allows)

ending on the depth and current speed of my fishing locale. Long fluorocarbon leaders were key to punching through current and delivering tasty morsels to the resident fish.

ending on the depth and current speed of my fishing locale. Long fluorocarbon leaders were key to punching through current and delivering tasty morsels to the resident fish.
It was a fairly normal angling day for the winter time but believe it or not, I caught more fish on the soft hackle than I did anything else. A slow deliberate raising/lowering of the rod at the end of the drift was deadly and even fooled a couple of nice sized “PHD” trout too! If you didn’t get outside yesterday and instead opted to watch Carolina’s clinic against the Cardinals or Peyton VS Brady, at least know that your opportunity was there!
See you on the creek!
Thank Jimmy, a good tip to me, I will try on next trip.