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Like most anglers and others who enjoy being in the outdoors, I am often moved by the world around me and try to capture the images in my mind as I soak in the panorama. Mountain ranges fading into the horizon, the silhouette of a grand old walnut tree against the mist of a cool morning. Being a part of these scenes gives me pause and reminds me of why I feel more at home here than in my office. But even beyond that majestic canvas, I find so much beauty in the details of God's Green Earth. Common things become uncommon when viewed in minute detail. Patterns and colors emerge that often go overlooked. When we slow down and take the time to absorb what's right in front of us, it can turn a good day afield into a day of discovery. The scale pattern of a common shiner suddenly resemble silver jewelry. The tiny dark eyes peering at you from a cluster of salamander eggs sequestered just below the water's surface look as innocent as a newborn baby. Are the rusty dots and dashes decorating the sides of a long-eared sunfish some form of Morse Code or a reflection of its DNA?
The photos in this collage are just a few that I have collected that bring a special memory to mind every time I see them. You may click on the image to see them in a larger format but be warned that these are not professional quality photos. They're mine and, actually, they're parts of mine taken with a variety of mostly point and shoot cameras and slightly edited with iPhoto before pasting together. Remember, it's the details of the moment that caught my attention. I hope this encourages you to stop and look for them on your next adventure.
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