Thanks Jimmy for the blog, I really enjoy what I do. And I probably am already paying Unicoi for guiding if you count all the "stuff" I have purchased at the shops.
As a guide or fisherman, I just don't think you can beat spring and especially the month of April for the best fishing of all the year. The water temp is just right, the rivers and streams have plenty of water, and the fish are aggressive and crazy--you can actually catch them on a fly larger than a size #20 midge.
I fished with Bo & Wendy Perry from Macon on Friday at NCF and had a great time. Neither had ever caught a trout on a fly rod--but that quickly changed when we started fishing. Bo hooked a nice fish on his 1st cast and landed several fish before we left the 1st hole. Wendy worked on her casting and presentation and before long she was hooking fish also.
She was very happy when she finally landed this nice rainbow, as you can see from the big smile on her face. We landed several fish and hooked many more. The fish were really acrobatic, just making jump after jump after jump.
I couldn't ask for a day to be much better--we had hook-ups on the very 1st cast and the last cast 0f the day--with many in between.
Thanks to Wendy & Bo for allowing me to fish with them--I believe they enjoyed it almost as much as me.
So leave work early, or do whatever necessary to get on the water, because this is a great time of the year to fish.
Oh yea, almost forgot--Pat's rubber leg stonefly!!