Thursday, December 8, 2022

A Dozen Eggs


That’s what a lot of winter flyfishing vets add to their nymph box during the next three months. You may have noticed how popular egg patterns were in our staff and friends’ list of December fav’s that we posted yesterday. And for good reason: they’re hot in cold water.

Whether you tie or buy, here are a few more tips on stocking up on eggs this winter. You’ll need a good number because you’ll leave many on the bottom or in fish lips- - if your tippet is old or knot is defective.  A dozen is a good number to start your day with.

First is a local favorite, the Oreck easy egg. Tie a parachute post from egg yarn and you’re in business.

Second, and maybe even easier, is the eggstacy egg:

Third is our fine egg inventory at both of our UO fly shops. If you don’t tie, come in and buy!

Last, fish them correctly. That means deep. Once again, Dom at

provides an excellent tutorial.  Remember his “egg roll.”  If you’re really into trouting, consider subscribing to his website.

When winter temps eventually find us, think brunch. Show up at 10 or 11AM and serve up some eggs as the sun warms the water and those deepwater trout awaken from their slumber. Pair your egg with a dropper nymph pattern that you believe in and you’ll be in business. And a dancing rod will warm your buns.

Good luck with eggs for brunch this winter. Stop in our shop if we can help y’all further.

Unicoi Outfitters: Friendly. Local. Experts.

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