Monday, August 29, 2022

The Fever

The Fever. I’ve got it.  So does Jimmy.  So do most of our UO clan.

Are you afflicted, too?  

Rabunites ( call it Rocky Mountain Fever.  They know that once you are infected, there is no cure.  Only constant annual treatments allow trout anglers to live with their condition.  A hydrotherapy trip each summer to the hallowed waters of the West are prescribed by senior Rabunites to new victims of the infection.

Our friend and DNR partner, John “Deadly” Damer, recently completed his annual therapy. John, his brother, and his father dosed together in their favorite rivers and spring creeks of western Montana.  He was kind enough to share a few pics with us. Enjoy, and remember to plan your own treatments soon.

Unicoi Outfitters: Friendly. Local. Experts.

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