Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Get Back in the Yak

There’s still a good month or more of excellent river and pond bassin’ left until the fall chill slows the bite.  Many of you will still be kayaking to your hotspots in the weeks to come.

How about a yakking PSA today?  That’s a public safety announcement. Jimmy found a very nice story and 10-minute video in Kayak Angler magazine that might help you to reboard your kayak after flipping it.


Take ten minutes out to watch Chad Hoover’s tips on flipping the yak upright and then getting back into it.  It might be the best ten minutes of your yakking career and help to make it a long and safe one.  Thank you Chad and Kayak Angler Magazine!

Good luck with the home stretch of your warmwater fishing season. We hope there’s a fat spot, shoalie, LMB, or smallie in your future.

Unicoi Outfitters: Friendly. Local. Experts.


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