Monday, April 24, 2023

A Great Trout and Bass Bug

Whether you tie or buy, make sure you have an ample supply of Pat’s Rubberlegs in your box year-round. I like them in brown, black, and variegated black/brown, while our guides have had lots of recent success on golden models.

You can tie them with or without a heavy tungsten bead and on regular or jig hooks. Just have some on the stream!  They’re deadly not only on trout, but are also a great dropper behind my river bass/bream popper during summer excursions. Those two species really like buggy and leggy patterns.

Here’s a great tying tutorial by national expert Charlie Craven that might help many of you tie this simple, yet frustrating pattern. (The legs always seem to get in the way.)

I tie these in similar fashion, with two exceptions. First, I tie in the chenille to the end of the hook just before I tie in the triple strand clump of leg material. Then I’ll wrap the chenille up to and thru the legs. Second, I don’t trim the chenille along the abdomen. I’d rather spend that extra time tying another bug and loading up my box.

Big thanks to for the story link and to Charlie for the great instructional video. If you haven’t drowned a Pat’s yet in your favorite trout or bass river, give it a try. Like us, you’ll be hooked on that pattern, too.

Good luck plotting your next excursion. I might give it a go this evening. Stop in or call either UO store if we can help your own trip prep. We have plenty of Pat’s in our fly bins.

Unicoi Outfitters: Friendly. Local. Experts.

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