Monday, November 21, 2022

The “O-ring” and the “Trigger Finger”

There is no one right way to fly fish, but we hope that a few of our recent tips help our newer fly anglers enjoy greater success.  Here’s another dose of UO veteran’s intel for anyone interested.

First, the “O-ring.” During the forward cast, many anglers release the loop of fly line from their line hand (non-rod hand) and let it shoot out the guides. Then they have to “fish” for that line before grabbing it to begin their retrieve. Instead of letting go completely, make a circle by pinching the tips of your thumb and index finger together. Let the line shoot thorough that finger loop like an extra rod guide.  After the cast, you can quickly pinch the line and begin your retrieve.

The “trigger finger” is my index finger on my rod hand. After my cast, I always bring the fly line from my line hand over to the rod and lay it across the index finger of my rod hand. Then I’ll strip in line behind that rod hand instead of in front of it. That index finger acts as another rod guide and, with a simple press onto the rod cork, lets me hookset quickly, with no slack in the fly line.

Keep the O-ring and trigger finger tips in mind for your next trip. Maybe they’ll help your streamer retrieves and trout hooksets.  Good luck!

Unicoi Outfitters: Friendly. Local. Experts.

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