Friday, June 25, 2021

Unicoi Outfitters Fishing Report - 6/25/21


Let’s call this week’s report a “rerun,” as our fishing conditions and best bets will be similar to last week’s pre-storm intel.  

Last Sunday’s  3+ inches of rainfall from the tropical storm has run off and our creeks and rivers have receded to their low summer base flows.

USGS Current Conditions for USGS 02330450 CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER AT HELEN, GA

So, unless one of these afternoon storms sits on your watershed, you’ll be aiming for spooky fish in low water again.   If you get a storm flush, then try the big/ugly/bright flies in the stained waters. 

Best bets: headwater wild trout, cool stocker streams, cold tailwaters, ponds at dawn and dusk, and lakes at dawn. Keep in mind that GAWRD typically stocks  trout far and wide for the July 4th crowds, so plan your holiday week accordingly.

Wes’ hot fly list, my region recon, and angler reports follow on our Facebook and Blog pages.

Wes’ Hot Fly List:

Dries: Juan’s hopper, Quick-site beetle, Parachute ant, Yellow humpy, Stoneflopper, tan elk hair caddis.

Nymphs: Squirminator, Jigged prince, Green weenie,Frenchie, Bird turd

Streamers & warmwater: Headcase crayfish, May’s identity crisis, Bank robber sculpin, Stealth jig, Feather changer, BoogleBug 


Splatek and Son had a great fishing/camping trip last weekend. His tale is chronicled here:

I checked a Hooch headwater’s streamflow and temperature during this morning’s region recon.  It looked prime for a fluffy dry, but I had to move on my recon instead of flinging a fly, so the fish are still there for you. Our creeks have returned to summer baseflow, while some cool nights and heavy tree cover are keeping water temps down. We hope you enjoyed today’s video and note the temp (62 in the shade at ten).  

Sneak upstream slowly, hit the shaded pools and undercut banks, and be ready for quick strikes on your high-floating dries. Bows are all over the place, while the lazier browns and specks prefer slower flows and a roof over their heads. Recall our “niches” lesson:

Know Their ‘Niches’ | Coastal Angler & The Angler Magazine

Private Waters: 

They’re fishing about the same: some fair action early in the main current, then the fish take a long siesta, from mid-morning til dark, as water temps creep up toward and sometimes past 70 degrees.


Remember that Lanier and Blue Ridge have enough winter-water storage to maintain trout-friendly Tailwater temperatures throughout the year. RonW’s gang gave Lanier a shot and reported, “ Our trio hit the Dam on Saturday 6/19 and had a heck of a day. Despite the clouds, slight wind, and very light drizzle towards the end (2pm), we all managed 6 or more fish and most all on dries.  We started off by getting in about 9am just  downstream of the creek and worked our way down to the top of Bowman's Island. I fished a big split wing Cahill with a dropper off the back early and then went straight to the dry. Only got 1 on the dropper; the rest came on the dry. The guys were hammering them on fan wing Coachmans and an assortment of other dries that weren't matching any type of hatch. I caught another bow at the end of the day while stretching out line way beyond my capabilities. While not designed for it, the 10' 6" 4wt Kurt built me can throw a bugger well out past 60' with ease! It was another fun trip for our trio.”


No new reports registered. The Hooch at Highway 115 looked pretty good today: low, with the usual greenish summer stain, and very fishable. Use the same techniques (flies, niches, and times) described in last week’s report. Just check the gauge or call our Helen store to ensure that an afternoon storm in the upper watershed hasn’t muddied it up too much for your targets to see your streamers and poppers.

And for you floaters needing a shuttle, I took a pic this morning at the Hwy 115 access of your potential yak taxi service.

Small Impoundments:

Some redbreasts were still on the bed at my local lake this morning.  Some decent largemouths were also cruising the shallows before the sun got above the tree line.   Early risers should have good luck on surface bugs, tossed under the tree limbs or under docks at dawn.

Athens Jay checked in: “After work paddleboard hydrotherapy is the only thing keeping me sane (and hopefully improving my core strength and balance for wading.) The impending full moon has the bluegill very very frisky- now is the time to get them on flies! The dropper/dry combo of boogie bug/ black rubberlegs is deadly for bedding bream and the ever-present bass hovering around them. “


Landon had two brief reports: “The Topwater bite on Nottely is good right now. Spooks and chug bugs on main lake points got several decent bass for a buddy and me the other night.

I also hit a Dahlonega trib the other night between storms with my ultralight. It was slow but a couple small shoal bass and redbreast kept it interesting.”

HenryC is still chasing Lanier bass at dawn for his clients. Today’s GAWRD weekly fishing report has more intel to help our large lake fans, as many species head deep or upriver in search of their preferred water temps.

There’s your late-June fodder from the hills around Helen. Have fun either fishing now or getting your camping and angling gear ready for the holiday ahead. Call or visit either UO store if we can enhance your pre-trip confidence.

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