Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Goldfish in our Trout Streams?

Let’s take a timeout for some neat creek ecology. It’s  nearing the season for spotting  “goldfish and pebble mounds” during our  streamside hikes.   Every year stream anglers and other outdoor fans wonder where these large schools of bright orange minnows have come from.

In north Georgia, the goldfish are resident minnow species showing off their spawning attire. A common species in NE GA is the yellowfin shiner. 

The pebble mounds are chub nests.  The chubs actually pile up small rocks to make some great spawning habitat, not only for themselves but for several other species.  The clean mound of stones is a great way of overcoming stream sediments, which smother fish eggs.

Check out these websites for a neat video of chubs in action and more info on the featured fish. By the way, our friend, author Brandon is now on staff at Clemson U.

On your next trouting trek, take a break to enjoy some stream ecology and appreciate Mother Nature. All critters have their niches - even our spring chub construction crews and their “goldfish” tenants!

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