Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Hooch is Still Cold

Last Thursday I invited my church fly tying class for a day on the water for casting and fishing instruction and for searching for bugs in the water. This seemed like a great idea because it was a beautiful day and we're tying the flies so we can catch fish with them--right? The folks in the class were looking forward to this and so was I. The casting instruction went well--so we headed down to the river to try a little "hands on fishing". I talked about wading safety, but I didn't really listen to what I was saying. While positioning the fishermen, I tripped and fell over a big rock and made a perfect dive to the bottom. Before I knew it, I was in the water struggling to get out. Simms waders are great, but not when you let water go over the top--they were filled and I was cold. Embarrassing--not really--funny--to them--really. Leave it up to your guide--but I did keep fishing with them. One of the students did hook a big trout that broke him off.

Things didn't go exactly as planned, but it beats sorting mail any day--I'm a blessed person. I'm really looking forward to the fly tying class on Feb 21. It's all going to be about the basics-because that's what fly tying is about. We'll tie some flies that will really catch fish. The pheasant tail, featured in an earlier post, will be one of them--we'll tie it in several different patterns. We're going to have some fun--if you are interested contact Unicoi Outfitters so they can sign you up.

Thanks and Watch Your Step!


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